

“Interesting applications of engineering idea can be technologies of soil desalinization, water softening, as well as water and soil cleanup and regeneration, increase of its fertility using zeolites.” The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev (From report at the first convention of Kazakhstan engineers in May, 1993)

Taza Su Limited Liability Partnership is a dynamically developing diversified company known in Kazakhstan for offering works and services on soil and ground cleanup from oil and oil products contamination, as well as production and processing of natural zeolite and using it in various fields of industry, environment protection and agriculture.

“TAZA-SU LLP was founded in 2003. TAZA-SU Limited Liability Partnership operates Chankanay zeolite deposit, which is the largest in Kazakhstan. The director is Idrissova Dinara Zheypisovna.
The company has developed and has introduced the Integrated System of Quality Management, which is confirmed by the following certificates:
1. Certificate of compliance of quality management system with ST RK ISO 9001-2001
2. Certificate of compliance of environmental management system with ST RK ISO 14 001-2006

In July, 2009 in Astana, Association “League of Consumers of Kazakhstan” awarded TAZA-SU LLP with the “PERFECT” National Quality Symbol, which is the symbol of the quality goods and services sold on the territory of Kazakhstan.


TAZA-SU LLP is the only enterprise in Kazakhstan that manufactures filtering material for cleaning domestic potable water and discharge waters from natural zeolite. Also, zeolite is applied in metallurgical, chemical, oil and gas enterprises and as effective feed supplement for livestock and poultry.

Zeolite-based oil and masout contaminated soil clean-up technology developed by TAZA-SU LLP allows to solve a number of environmental problems on the territory of oil-extracting areas. Having repeatedly acknowledged its reputation of a reliable partner, TAZA-SU LLP regularly makes lump-sum contracts on clean-up of residual oil contaminated soils and on supply of zeolite for cleaning domestic potable waters. Thus, activity of the enterprise ensures compliance with the Program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Health of the Nation” and main priorities of social and economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan determined in “Kazakhstan – 2030” Development Strategy” program.


Цеолиты – природные минералы, благодаря строго определенным размерам пор и внутренних полостей, являются хорошими сорбентами для многих органических и неорганических веществ. Высокие сорбционные, ионообменные молекулярно – ситовые, каталитические свойства позволяют использовать их в различных сферах деятельности человека.

Очистка воды
Хим. промышленность
Сельское хозяйство


The “Golden Prometheus” awardIn the nomination “the best environmental program”Within the framework of the Kazakh week of oil and gas

In 2008, in capital of the Russian Federation, Taza Su LLP was given the international award “GOLDEN JAGUAR” for perfect reputation in business and high quality of products and services, within the frameworks of “The Leader of the 21st Century” program.

At the regional competition “Altyn Sapa” (“Golden Quality” in 2008, the company took the second place).



To tell or read about any exhibition is a thankless task. It is an exhibition, so that manufacturers and players of any industry can show themselves and see others. This year, according to tradition, we moved our mobile brigade to Germany, to the city of Hannover, to show ourselves and look at others at the world’s largest exhibition devoted to information technology, CEBIT 2010. And we traditionally publish a photo report, with brief comments, to you could admire the perfect or be surprised by the unusual.

Last year, CEBIT, as it seemed to us, was deliberately bright and “rich”, as if all the exhibitors agreed to ignore the crisis and exhibit one hundred percent. The exhibition was opened by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger, “our man in California.” The current governor-terminator of the most technologically advanced state fits perfectly into the entourage and attracted a lot of attention of non-profile media to the exhibition.

This year everyone seemed to calm down. There were less loud statements and initiatives, and the very atmosphere of the exhibition, as it seemed to us, became calmer, more measured, and at the same time restrained and businesslike. During the rise, all the attention is focused on business, and the advertising tinsel, which is usual in times of bread, is receding into the background.

The general partner of the exhibition this year was sunny Spain, a very decent country, but in the IT field it is neutral and imperceptible. Maybe we missed something? But here, it seems, there is also a little bit of politics: Spain is now presiding over the European Union, and an all-European event like CEBIT could not be ignored.
If you mention trends, then Green IT, which became almost the motto of last year’s exhibition, in 2010, inevitably added cloud computing, high-performance systems and open source software.
All we have seen, of course, is not to be listed, but we’ll be happy to show a little of the memorable ones.


Республика Казахстан 050063, г.Алматы
Ул. Аксай 4 дом 95 «А»
Тел./факс (727) 373-02-31, 373-07-52
